Rakshabandhan Spoiler Upcoming Story: Rasaal Apne Bhai Ki Dhaal’: How will Umed prove the truth?

Rakshabandhan Spoiler Upcoming Story: Rasaal Apne Bhai Ki Dhaal’: How will Umed prove the truth?

September 11, 2021 0 By admin

Rakshabandhan Spoiler Upcoming Story: Rasaal Apne Bhai Ki Dhaal’: How will Umed prove the truth?

Yash and Mamta Patnaik’s “Rakshabandhan: Rasaal Apne Bhai Ki Dhaal” is about Rasaal’s guarantee to get her family far from Chakori’s impact.

In the new episode we saw that Umed gets captured as the locals recorded a grumbling against him. The entirety of their gems was taken from his tijori and the residents presume that Umed has something to do with it.

Rasaal realizes who is behind the robbery and needs to develop a phony intend to seize the lutera dulha and dulhan. In the interim, a dispirited Umed is secured up in the prison and is tryinv to sort an exit plan to get out and demonstrate his guiltlessness.

How might Umed demonstrate reality? To realize what occurs next continue to watch “Rakshabandhan: Rasaal Apne Bhai Ki Dhaal”.

“Rakshabandhan: Rasaal Apne Bhai Ki Dhaal”, delivered under Beyond Dreams Entertainment,

highlights Nishant Singh Malkhani, Nyrraa M Banerji, Hardika Sharma, Ajinkya Mishra, Yogendra Kumaria, Manisha Purohit, and Rehan Saif Ansari.