18 Unseen And Sizzling Pictures Of Mirzapur’s Dimpy

18 Unseen And Sizzling Pictures Of Mirzapur’s Dimpy

March 15, 2021 0 By admin

Despite Mirzapur 2 releasing a long time back, the craze and zeal for this block-buster web-series is still lingering fresh in the air.

Several questions have bloomed that has been disseminating through the air like wildfire. One of the major sparkplugs of fascination for this series is how exactly does the cast look behind the scenes.

It has been a perennial ask from the fans about how exactly does a role that is deployed in a bloodbath in any web-series or movies, look in the simplest attire.

However, the one about whom we are going to talk about is no one simple but an absolutely gorgeous, dashing and one of the most charming personalities of the silver screen, Harshita Kaur.

She rendered the role of Dimpy Pandit, sibling of Bablu and Guddu Pandit. Harshita was born on 12th October 1992 in New Delhi. She graduated in Engineering from Amity University, Noida. Harshita started her career in the entertainment industry as a model and a trained Kathak dancer. She made her footfall on the silver screens as Sanyukta Agarwal in Sadda Haq’s and the youth took a massive liking to this new-born sensation on the telly.

Below are a few pictures of Harshita that is bound to pop your eyeballs for all the right reasons:

1. The Starlight attire without a shade of yellow in it

The stunning white outfit complements the actress in the most gorgeous way one possibly can.

2. The bold and the beautiful

In this rollicking shade of white and blue, Harshita has sent the heat through the sky.

3. A smile and a sunset

This beautiful attire of white around Harshita and a tantalising sunset in the backdrop make this a spectacle to savour for the eyes.

4. The Black beauty

This black dress is a perfect embodiment of class and grace, converged in the perfect proportions.

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