Popular Celebrities Who Adopted Kids And Set A Great Example for all of us

Popular Celebrities Who Adopted Kids And Set A Great Example for all of us

November 15, 2023 0 By admin

From charity to several acts of humanity, Bollywood celebrities are much more than what they appear on the screen. They have been quite bold and even after receiving harsh criticism and trolling, they never backed from their decision.

Celebrities were often in the spotlight for adopting children; they have faced several hardships while parenting them but they stood firm on their ground. Let us know more about these celebrities whose little acts of kindness make them special to their fans.

Famous celebrities who adopted children instead of going the other way round

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Sushmita Sen

The beautiful former Miss Universe Sushmita Sen is one of the most sizzling actresses of Bollywood. She has a heart of gold and has adopted two daughters, Renee and Alisha, despite battling legal and social barriers as a single parent.

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Raveena Tandon

The bold actress was only 21 years old when she adopted Chhaya and Pooja as a single mother. She married Anil Thadani, a film distributor, and has two children alongside, Rasha and Ranbir. Chhaya and Pooja are both married and well settled now.

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