Baahubali Movie’s, Mahishmati Kingdom Exists In Real: Know The Location And Complete Details Of Mahishmati

Baahubali Movie’s, Mahishmati Kingdom Exists In Real: Know The Location And Complete Details Of Mahishmati

November 27, 2021 0 By admin

The Mahishmati Kingdom in Books:
1. There was also a claim that ‘Haihayahs’ named five tribes ruled the Mahishmati kingdom. In the book ‘Historical Geography of Madhya Pradesh from Early Records’ by P K Bhattacharya, it is also said that there is a possibility that Karthaveeryarjuna who ruled from Mahishmati may be the King of Haihayahs.

2. ‘Hariwansh’ written in the Sanskrit language also says that there was a kingdom named the Mahishmati Rajya in history. According to the book, Mahishmati is a descendant of the King Mahishmati – a descendant from the Yadu.

3. There is another argument that the ‘Muchukunda’ Mahishmith was one of the creators of the Mahishmati kingdom.

4. The city of Mahishmati is also mentioned in the book ‘Raghuvansha’. Raghuvamsha tells us that the Mahishmithi area was also called as ‘Anupa’. According to the ‘Hariwansh’ and ‘Raghuvanshi’ literature, the city of Mahishmati is not close to the Narmada River and that it was located near the Rewa River in the highlands.

Using these records as well as other historical documents and the accounts of Patanjali, the author argues that Mahishmati was located such that it took only a night to travel between the city and Ujjayini. Readers and history buffs are likely to know Mahishmati from legends and tales in the great Indian epics.


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