8 Bollywood Stars Who Made Huge Comebacks After Hair-transplant

8 Bollywood Stars Who Made Huge Comebacks After Hair-transplant

November 24, 2021 0 By admin

The Hindi film industry has seen many stars come and go, and their on-screen persona and their looks are the thing that keeps them relevant and popular, which are the two things that keep you up and running when you are in B-Town. A very common problem has been of hair loss among celebs, and here’s a look at the names of 8 such celebrities who had hair loss problems, fixed them and made a strong come back.

1. Salman Khan

One of the most popular names in the Hindi film industry and the country as a whole, Salman Khan has been known for his looks and style of carrying himself on and on the screen. One thing that troubled, ‘Bhai’ was his hair loss, which was fixed during the multiple transplant sessions that took place between 2007 and 2016. After that, he has not looked back and has delivered films that have broken many box office records.

2. Govinda

Known for his dance in the Hindi film industry and his grace while dancing, Govinda has also has had his share of downtime in his personal life while being an actor. After delivering multiple hit films, he went off the face of the B-Town, in the year 2012 and underwent a DHI hair transplant surgery to combat his hair loss issues, and made a strong appearance back into the limelight.

3. Amitabh Bachchan

If there was a person whose voice, silhouette or a line said by him or her could be recognised by millions of people, it would be none other than the original, Angry Young Man, Amitabh Bachchan. And, the new legend of Bollywood encountered a hair loss problem in the 90’s. But, he was quick to react to this and got his hair transplant done before it could hurt his image and continued ruling the industry.

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