10 Bollywood Movies Based On Prostitution That Stirred Controversies Among Indian Fans

10 Bollywood Movies Based On Prostitution That Stirred Controversies Among Indian Fans

June 28, 2023 0 By admin

Prostitution or sex trafficking is very much a taboo subject even in the uber modern times of today, especially in a nation like ours. People despise discussing this topic in public as much as they love to uncover or dig into this secretive/lesser known section of society. It is for this same reason that films like ‘Chameli’ and ‘Dev D’ drew a lot of viewers, not to forget the criticism they raked in simultaneously. And let me mention, playing the role of a sex worker and sharing an experience of life in brothels ain’t a cake walk. It takes guts, a lot of it, to adapt the mannerisms and conversational style of a prostitute that a lot of our A-listed actresses have successfully achieved.

Today, we are going to name 10 such bold Bollywood movies based on prostitution that stirred a hornet’s nest.

1. Talaash

Though the movie revolves around a death mystery, it made us take a sneak peek into the life of sex workers. Kareena slipped into the character of a prostitute effortlessly and added to this psychological suspense genre.

2. Chameli

Awarded a Special Prize for the Best Performance by Filmfare, this movie added another feather in the cap of Bebo where she played the role of a prostitute who, with her sheer strength, is able to influence the character of Rahul Bose positively.


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