Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 2 15th September 2021 Written Update: Kanak and Radhika Scares Hema

Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 2 15th September 2021 Written Update: Kanak and Radhika Scares Hema

September 15, 2021 0 By admin

Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 2 15th September 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on bollywooddadi.Com, Read Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2 1tth September 2021 (15/09/2021) Written Updates

Episode starts with Gehna shocks seeing Professor Kumar with sack. She stows away before he sees her. He emerges from the room with pack and leaves from that point. She imagines that Kanak and Radhika brought this sack and presently why he is taking the pack with him. She reviews that how he saved Anant from hooligans and furthermore how he lied about his medication. She chooses to discover reality and calls Anant to illuminate him about Professor Kumar.

Then again, Anant reveals to Officer that Sagar alarming his family. He reveals to them that Sagar is a typical thug so it’s conceivable that somebody working with him and Sagar’s accomplice is against their undertaking. Official discloses to him that Sagar is only a pawn so they should follow him to track down the genuine guilty party. He advises him that they are following Sagar. One person comes there and advises them that he followed Sagar and today Sagar going to meet somebody. Anant discloses to Officer that Sagar should get going to meet his accomplice. He picks Gehna’s call and educates her that he is occupied now and detaches the call. She chooses to sit tight for his call. She feels that something risky should be in that sack.

Kanak and Radhika uncovers everything about Sagar to Hema. Hema reveals to her that Sagar can’t accomplish something to that effect. Kanak reveals to her that Sagar working with his new accomplice now. Hema reveals to her that the last consistently utilized Sagar and as a result of the last just Sagar went to prison as well. Kanak gives Sagar’s new versatile number to her. She advises her to call this number and requests that he meet the last then, at that point Police will capture him. Hema declines. Radhika discloses to her that they will uncover to Desai’s that the last assisted Sagar with getting away from prison. Hema discloses to her that she didn’t do that. Kanak discloses to her that main they thinks about it and they will give explanation against her so the last can remain in prison with Sagar.

Anant gets the area where Sagar going to meet his accomplice. In the interim Professor Kumar opens the pack. He is going to close the entryway yet stuns seeing Gehna there. She gives his medication to him and moves towards the pack. He attempts to stop her however she stuns seeing bomb taken care of. Hema calls Sagar and requests that he meet her. He reveals to her that he can’t meet her today and detaches the call.

Gehna questions Professor Kumar. He says to her that he misled her with regards to his infection for the good of Anant. He educates her with regards to Anant’s mysterious mission and Anant’s life at serious risk. He discloses to her that Sagar’s accomplice is fear based oppressor and that psychological militant is Krishna. In the interim Anant sees Sagar with his accomplice. Sagar sees Anant and requests that Krishna not pivot and run from that point.

Episode closes.

Precap – Gehna attempts to inform Anant regarding Professor Kumar and Krishna yet he won’t listen her.

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Telecast On Air: Monday To Saturday

Language: Hindi

Date: 14/09/2021

Channel Name: Star Plus

Online Streaming Platform: Disney+ Hotstar

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