Rakshabandhan Upcoming Story: Rasaal Apne Bhai Ki Dhaal Chakori and Moong kidnap Rasaal and Shiv

Rakshabandhan Upcoming Story: Rasaal Apne Bhai Ki Dhaal Chakori and Moong kidnap Rasaal and Shiv

September 16, 2021 0 By admin

Yash and Mamta Patnaik’s “Rakshabandhan: Rasaal Apne Bhai Ki Dhaal” will before long see a major bend.

As of late we saw that Chakori consumed Rasaal’s hand and she currently needs to kill both the children. She alongside Moong secures Rasaal and Shiv a vehicle loaded up with smoke. They start hacking and pass out. Umed had the option to save both, however when he goes behind Chakori, Moong hits him and he loses conciousness.

Moong and Chakori lock Umed in a room, and they then, at that point run behind the children. Moong gets hold of the children. Chakori then again powers Umed to sign on the property papers by showing that his children are held hostage by Moong.

Will Umed sign the papers? Can he save the children? To realize what occurs next continue to watch “Rakshabandhan: Rasaal Apne Bhai Ki Dhaal”.

“Rakshabandhan: Rasaal Apne Bhai Ki Dhaal”,

delivered under Beyond Dreams Entertainment, highlights Nishant Singh Malkhani, Nyrraa M Banerji, Hardika Sharma, Ajinkya Mishra, Yogendra Kumaria, Manisha Purohit, and Rehan Saif Ansari.