Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 23rd October 2021 Written Episode: Sheela Visits The Goenkas

Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 23rd October 2021 Written Episode: Sheela Visits The Goenkas

October 22, 2021 0 By admin

Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 1st October 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on bollywooddadi.Com, Read Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 1st October 2021 (1/10/2021) Written Updates Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 1st October 2021 Written Upcoming Story

The Episode starts offevolved with Sirat brightening up Akshu. Dadi says Akshu takes care of Sirat and furthermore you also, she cherishes you stacks, you known as it buttering, you most likely did it exceptionally off-base. Aarohi cries. Sirat inquires as to for what reason are you crying at this point. Aarohi says you’re reprimanding me, you don’t adore me, regardless of whether I arrived first and were given a prize. Sirat says I love each my girls, Akshu’s temperament is such, she really focuses on anyone, remember she dealt with you extreme month while you fell debilitated, we have a connection of coronary heart,

disregard the entire thing and develop to resemble previously. She embraces them. Sirat says I thought to take your help, we need to give presents to ricochet foundation youths, Dadi will reprove me loads on the off chance that I get late. Dadi acts and reprimands her. Aarohi and Akshu ask them currently no longer to fear, they might help and get the presents. Aarohi says we can give books and scholarly toys. Everybody prefers the idea. Akshu says we can give ghungroos and dance related things. Manish says splendid idea. Dadi requests that they do it quick.

Sirat says we need to surge. Aarohi and Akshu cross. Dadi says very great Sirat, you managed them well. Suwarna says deal with them the equivalent way as a rule. Sirat says OK, I will attempt to implore the equivalent. Akshu sees Aarohi’s prize and grins. Sirat shows Akshu’s prize and says that is intended for my little girl, the world’s top notch young lady, you accepted my coronary heart on the grounds that the day I previously saw you. Akshu grins. Sirat says don’t encounter horrible of Aarohi’s words, she gets shaky soon.

Akshu says I know, I m now as of now not rankled, we’re sisters, I will in no way, shape or form thwart addressing her. Sirat says as a rule be with Aarohi, she is cussed and brief-tempered. Akshu says I guarantee, I will in no way, shape or form leave her. They embrace. Aarohi comes and gets rankled. She is resting. Sirat appears to be on. Manish recalls Aarohi’s words. Surekha and Suwarna come. He says this should have now no longer came about today, the issue didn’t stop here, its in Aarohi’s coronary heart, Sirat should have now as of now not exhorted them the reality.

Suwarna says they were given to know about it previously. He says if we all prompted Akshu that Sheela expressed it wrong, maybe she may have trusted her. Suwarna says the reality may jump out a couple of day. Manish says she probably sat tight for Kartik. Surekha says anyone knows about Aarohi is brief-tempered, she is astute having Goenka’s blood, but harshly toned because of the reality she is Sheela’s blood. Sirat stops her and asks her presently no longer to specify that normally. She says Aarohi is in like manner this own circle of family members’ child. Manish says we dread the equivalent for her, we’re required for their bond, take care that Aarohi’s kiddishness doesn’t remember bad conduct. He is going.

Aarohi flips around Akshu and her percent. Akshu gets gemstones for her. Aarohi chides her. Akshu gets jalebis for her. Aarohi says I don’t have to address you, I were given chided because of you. She requests that Akshu leave. Sirat appears to be on. They % the presents. They play with Sirat and embrace her. Manish grins seeing the adolescents happy and betting together.

Yeh rishta kya… .plays… Akshu and Aarohi embrace. Sirat clicks their percent. Dadi says you each should get an honor for you for working so appropriate in a short time frame. She offers them presents. Suwarna says the adolescents will perceive the institute more. Aarohi inquires as to for what reason is the dance institute on Akshara’s name. Sirat says its on Naira’s mum’s name. Gayu says Naira become a fantastic artist, and opened a dance institute on her mum’s name. Aarohi asks Sirat for what valid reason didn’t you open a boxing institute on my Nani’s name, wherein is she, who’s she. Akhilesh says institute youths have come. Dadi says mindfulness on their dinners and welcome them. The administrator thank you them for presents.

Akshu requests that he uncover Naira’s dance recordings. The administrator says you might be excited to peer the dance recordings, Naira become a great artist and a brilliant individual, Akshara become also a superb individual, Naksh and own circle of family members used to help us loads. He asks whose idea become this to explicitly stated private notes. Gayu says Akshu’s. The person says your pondering resembles your mum and Nani. The young people request a selfie. Akshu and Aarohi cross. The chief says Sheela arrived to the foundation in search for a task.

Sirat says don’t give her any work. Sheela comes and reprimands Sirat. Dadi stresses. Sheela meets Aarohi and says I really have analyzed my blood, you’re similar as me. The chief and adolescents leave. Aarohi asks who’re you. Sheela says I m your Nani, Sheela. Akshu and Aarohi grin. Manish requests that they visit their room. Aarohi says grant me address my Nani. She inquires as to for what reason didn’t you get once again to satisfy me.

She says we can ask mumma to open a boxing institute on her name. Manish says she isn’t your Nani, cross inside. Sirat requests that the young people cross. They cross. Sirat inquires as to for what reason did you return back here, live farfar from my own circle of family members. Sheela says I m your mum, find me a line of work, else I will bite the dust of appetite. Sirat says you lied the entirety of your life, I m now presently not related with you.


Aarohi inquires as to for what reason is anyone angry on you. Sheela says Sirat isn’t rich, so they don’t set me back. Manish says Akshara become so sweets and reasonable, but Sheela is a normal lady. Aarohi says they might be appropriate people anyway just for Akshu.

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Telecast On Air: Monday To Saturday

Language: Hindi

Date: 1/10/2021

Channel Name: Star Plus

Online Streaming Platform: Disney+ Hotstar

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