Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 21st October 2021 Written Episode: Sirat Makes Space In Akshu’s Heart

Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 21st October 2021 Written Episode: Sirat Makes Space In Akshu’s Heart

October 20, 2021 0 By admin

Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 1st October 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on bollywooddadi.Com, Read Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 1st October 2021 (1/10/2021) Written Updates Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 1st October 2021 Written Upcoming Story

The Episode starts offevolved with Gayu taking Aarohi with her. Dadi asks Sirat how did this show up. Sirat says I wanted to illuminate Akshu, yet at this point as of now not thusly, Sheela did this. Manish gets irate and says Sheela didn’t extra us and furthermore you as of not long ago, Akshu could be so disturbed. Suwarna and Dadi say she had come to address us. Sirat asks how might I impart to her. Suwarna says have mental fortitude, you can’t lose, I comprehend Akshu were given to comprehend this inaccurately, but you need to adapt to her. Surekha says OK, we can adapt to Aarohi. Sirat says I will impart to Akshu. Akshu cries and says for what reason didn’t we all illuminate me that Sirat is my stepmum, is that this own circle of family members now as of now not mine, no, this can’t show up, who’s my mumma. Sirat comes and brings Naira’s pic. She says that is your mumma. Akshu says its you. Sirat says no, she is Naira, your genuine mumma, face is equivalent, but we’re unique. Akshu asks wherein does she live, for what reason didn’t we meet her. Sirat says she lives withinside the sky, did you notice that sparkling star, that is your mumma. Akshu cries.

Sirat says we committed an error through concealing this from you and Aarohi, I will illuminate you the total truth. Aarohi says its so miserable that Naira passed on, Akshu could be despondent. Suwarna says Sirat will illuminate her reality. Aarohi asks is our father our own. Akhilesh says OK, they’re your mom and father, Naira turned into his first spouse. Aarohi asks how did mother and father meet. Sirat says Naira made us meet through Kairav. Akshu asks does Kairav comprehend the entire thing. Sirat says he were given me on this house, I were given a connection with you after I took you in palms for the essential time, all relatives aren’t of blood, we pick a couple of relatives, similar to our connection. Akshu inquires as to for what reason didn’t he illuminate me. Sirat says he became practical to see, but you had been youthful, we didn’t require you and Aarohi to detect any distinction.

Akshu says illuminate me roughly my mumma. Sirat says I will illuminate you and make you meet her. Aarohi says Sirat is essentially my mumma, Kairav and Akshu’s mum became unique. Manish says OK, but at this point Sirat is mum for you three, remember this. Aarohi gestures and says Akshu is troubled, I will pass and meet her. Sirat acclaims Naira a great deal. She says your call Akshara is put away in your Nani’s call, Naira could be so fulfilled today, she stays in our souls as a magnificent memory, as a heavenly messenger, she can have the option to live to your coronary heart additionally, no individual could make her farfar from you. Akshu sees Naira’s percent. Sirat says no connection is a stage connection from one side, I will not the slightest bit respect you a stepdaughter, we’re mother and little girl, I can’t develop to resemble your mumma, but my affection and childhood will now presently don’t need. Aarohi says our father isn’t unusualplace, mum might be not unusualplace as well, she cherishes us a ton. Sirat says I will cherish my adolescents similarly, Kairav and furthermore you have turned into my life, you may continually be my senior girl. Akshu says mumma… Sirat requests that she notice it once more, did she say it through coronary heart. Akshu says mumma, I informed it through my coronary heart. Sirat embraces her and cries.

She says you’re similar to Naira mumma through face and coronary heart, you might be my mumma continually. Sirat embraces her and says you’re my life, my most extreme reasonable and cute Akshu. Aarohi appears to be on. Akshu says I were given to see roughly my mumma, she is withinside the sky, she stays as a star, she offers me gifts. She requests that Naira favor Aarohi moreover. She requests that Aarohi make a craving speedy seeing the falling star. She says I want Aarohi and I continually live respectively. Aarohi figures I don’t have to extent my mumma, basically I m her little girl. Sirat tells them around Ram and Lakshmi, they had been stepbrothers. She asks them to continually adore each and every other, a sister’s connection could be exceptionally normal and great. She says senior sister is somewhat of a mum. She asks Aarohi to continually help her senior sister, in any event, assuming mumma isn’t there.

They say you will not pass anyplace. Sirat says I will not pass, rest now, I will sing Naira’s bedtime song. She sings and makes them rest. Its morning, Dadi says its your childhood that Akshara is so practical, she comprehended it well. Sirat says OK, she resembles Naira, she didn’t wreck connection with me. Manish says Akshara has Naira’s blood, so she is practical, your mum has no shame on this age. Suwarna says the entire thing were given fine. Manish asks what will show up on the off chance that she comes here, what’s the guarantee that she can have the option to now presently not come here. Sirat says I will not permit this show up.

He says we have continually given her cash, what does she need, are you to blame, you adjusted your own circle of family members and profession, you were unable to adapt to your mum. Sirat says I broke relatives with her. Manish says I lament, you maybe great, but your own circle of family members will by the by be that sensibly evaluated individuals, you were unable to delete the sensibly estimated effect of your own circle of family members, each the women gets the equivalent childhood, yet at this point as of now not the equivalent blood. Akhilesh says no, their tendency may be equivalent. Manish says blood continually recommends its colors. Aarohi and Akshu appearance on. Aarohi inquires as to for what reason are you declaring this to my mumma.


Aarohi sees Akshu with Sirat. She kisses Sirat and grins. She thinks Sirat is basically my mumma, presently as of now not of Akshu.

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Telecast On Air: Monday To Saturday

Language: Hindi

Date: 1/10/2021

Channel Name: Star Plus

Online Streaming Platform: Disney+ Hotstar

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