Rishton Ka Manjha 23rd October 2021 Written Episode: Diya To Perform Rituals In The House

Rishton Ka Manjha 23rd October 2021 Written Episode: Diya To Perform Rituals In The House

October 22, 2021 0 By admin

Rishton Ka Manjha 1st October 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on Bollywooddadi.Com, Read Rishton Ka Manjha 1st October 2021 (1/10/2021) Written Updates Rishton Ka Manjha 1st October 2021 Written Upcoming Story

Topic of Today’s Episode: We Will Update Written Episode Update Soon Stay Tuned

Scene 1

Dadi says Diya is it harming? She says dadi I could be alright. Arjun says you’re presently no more. Show me. Diya says I wil follow it myself. You don’t contact. Arjun says how might I follow it with out contacting? He applies haldi on her foot and says on the off chance that it doesn’t get higher I will name a specialist. Diya says I will do it. Dadi says permit him do it.

Amitabh says I experience so powerless. I wanted you to remain on this home as my girl Tina. On the off chance that you want to cross I will not prevent you. I understand you’re harmed. Tina says his home is mine. You are on the whole my own circle of family members. Every one of the customs that I expected to do, Diya will do the as your DIL. Madhuri says never.

Scene 2

Mohan says if their workers are speakme to Diya that way how is it possible that the would claim circle of family members be treating Diya? Babblu says how become Diya? Show me her photograph. Mira says they showed us out. We were unable to try and see her. Mohan says it’s currently as of now not his issue. Try not to admonish him. Mira says did we rush? The protect expressed Diya will return. Mohan says Arjun will not at any point leave her. Mira says he should acknowledge we’re required for him. Shobha says Arjun’s telecellsmartphone is off. Mohan says endeavor once more. Shobha says his telecellsmartphone keeps on being off.

Tina says your displeasure is advocated. Kindly do the ceremonies as a whole. I want to see them on the off chance that I was unable. Would i be able to live here? Amitabh says you’re my girl, you might live here insofar as you need. Tina says aunt you need to safeguard Arjun farfar from badminton right? Imagine a scenario in which Diya does it. Madhuri says Arjun will not cross close to that lady Diya and badminton. Niharika save an eye fixed on her. Niharika says to Tina you’re showing any such enormous heart. Tina says I will take badminton from your ways of life Arjun after which Diya.

Scene 3

Deepika brings painkiller. She says unwinding Diya, then, at that point, change. Dadi says set up for the ceremonies. Deepika says I don’t expect everything individuals could do them. Arjun says why? Diya is the DIL of this home. She will do the ceremonies as a whole.

Love says Arjun has destroyed our own circle of family members’ call. Individuals are thinking us. Dadi says name people and get it. Show them the customs. Amitabh says we can’t harm our own circle of family members’ call any longer. Media will make news. DAdi says they will. Allow them to do it. Diya is the DIL of this home. She is Arjun’s mate and the individual will do the customs in general. In the event that Arjun leaves, people will inquiry you most certainly as well. Would you get that?

Scene 4

Diya is involved roughly her own circle of family members. She says how should I name them? Id on’t really have the telecellsmartphone. Arjun comes there. He says coming up short on your own circle of family members? Call them. They must be inadequate with regards to you too. Diya calls mohan. Mohan says would you say you are alright? We had been so involved. We realized Arjun is with you anyway did one and all arrangement with you well? Diya says baba one and all has ordinary me. They are extremely great. Try not to fear around me. Mira says for what reason didn’t you illuminate her how they offended us? Mohan says we don’t have to. Mohan says I realized Arjun could adapt to you. I understand he will protect you cheerful. Mira says you’ll set aside effort to alter there. you’re world’s top notch little girl. You need to tbe top notch DIL as well. Diya says I could be. Tell Babblu I leave out him. Babblu says I gets you a gift. I’m classical at this point. Diya gets passionate. Arjun says don’t cry.

Dadi requests that the servants make the morning meal. She says Diya will do the custom of making pastry. All of you need to help her. She says will there be a custom? Dadi says why now? Deepika says Diya doesn’t have any articles of clothing. Would it be a good idea for me to supply her my pieces of clothing or those that we were given for Tina? Arjun says no. For what reason could Diya put on the entirety of individuals’ articles of clothing? i’m ready to get her a saaree. Dadi says he will get one. Deepika says I don’t accept maa could her do it. Dadi says she needs to. Proceed to prepare Diya. Tell her around the ceremonies. Deepika says I will see it. Tina hears she failed to remember me as of now? I will perceive how she does this custom.

Episode closes.

Precap-Madhuri says she can’t do the cooking custom. She can handiest blockhead people. I will not permit her feedback my kitchen.

Also read: Rishton Ka Manjha 22nd October 2021 Written Episode: Arjun’s Mother Doesn’t Like Diya

Telecast On Air: Monday To Saturday

Language: Hindi

Date: 1/10/2021

Channel Name: Zee TV

Online Streaming Platform: ZEE5

Read Complete Rishton Ka Manjha 1st October 2021 Written Episode Update on Bollywooddadi.com.

Rishton Ka Manjha 1st October 2021 Written Episode Update Precap: