Kumkum Bhagya 22nd December 2021 Written Episode

Kumkum Bhagya 22nd December 2021 Written Episode

December 22, 2021 0 By admin

Kumkum Bhagya 22nd December 2021 Written Episode

Kumkum Bhagya 30th October 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on bollywooddadi.Com, Read Kumkum Bhagya 30th October 2021 (30/10/2021) Written Updates Kumkum Bhagya 30th October 2021 Written Upcoming Story

Topic of Today’s Episode: We Will Update Written Episode Update Soon Stay Tuned

The Episode starts offevolved with Rhea let Ranbir know that the woman who did wrong with me, you can’t listen something towards her. She says first she grabbed my father and afterward you certainly. She says then she grabbed my significant other as well and destroyed my the entire parcel. She says you made your self occupied in business undertaking and asks what I will do, in which will I go? She says you didn’t ponder onconsideration me. She says you’re egocentric and as a result of you, my ways of life is getting demolished. She says I thought that I will make a spic and span start, but what did I get? She says I am distraught to expect to be that and says my pals are higher than all of you.

She says you people don’t see my throb and inquires as to for what reason am I remaining here, and says one and all is deceiving me, presently at this point don’t just Sid and Prachi. She says Mom and Dad are in extreme lethargies, and furthermore all of you are in disarray, Prachi is in Sid’s hug, why I am here on this world. She says I will now presently don’t remain and shuts the entryway. They request that she open the entryway. Rhea grins and shuts her ears. Dida says in the event that you do something then, at that point, own circle of family members might be in issue. Rhea says you’re in any case thinking about own circle of family members. She requests that they head from that point. Vikram and Pallavi demand her to focus. Rhea says I will commit self destruction with the blade saved in my room.

Pallavi says I swear, I will do the entire part fine. Rhea grins and sees Ranbir going to the window and thumping on it. She quietly open the window a piece. He endeavors to open and it opens. She professes to cry fake tears and takes steps to lessen her wrist. Pallavi includes the window and says don’t do this. She says I ordinarily idea incredible around you. Rhea says you people made my ways of life as joke. Ranbir inquires as to for what reason are you doing this for a basic individual for yourself and says don’t take your ways of life.

Rhea says for what reason will I listen you, while you don’t have to focus to me. She requests that he tune in. Ranbir says keep up with the blade away, just for me. Vikram endeavors to interfere with the entryway and damages himself. Pallavi says assuming Rhea devote self destruction, then, at that point, we can visit prison. She says we would all be able to pay for itself and tells around an individual’s own circle of family members. Rhea grins. Pallavi requests that she open the entryway. Dida requests that she talk magnificent. Pallavi faults Ranbir and says on the off chance that you had heard me that day, then, at that point, this wouldn’t have occur. A facebook is shown, Pallavi requests that Ranbir wed Rhea. Ranbir denies. Pallavi says don’t convey a danger to Sid and Prachi to ruin your ways of life.

Ranbir says I will now presently don’t convey them hazard and need to illuminate her, that my ways of life were given higher after she went. He says he don’t have to wed anybody. Fb closes. Pallavi says you prompted that Prachi didn’t propose to you and says in the event that you don’t have to wed, then, at that point, that implies, you keep on having delicate alcove for Prachi. Ranbir says I don’t have to wed, as I disagree with on marriage. Rhea opens the entryway and says I think about marriage, and heard that the woman is going out at the arthi. She says you’ll both convey my doli or arthi after my demise. She says both wed me or just permit me pass on. Ranbir is stunned.

Sid says the truth which I comprehend, you will also comprehend Prachi. Prachi says I don’t have to tune in, the way you’re telling towards them. She is prepared to head. Sid says why you didn’t illuminate me sooner than, that sooner than your marriage with Ranbir, Rhea and Ranbir changed into around to get hitched. Prachi says while we arrived from Bangalore, Mummy wouldn’t permit me info and I thought the entire parcel is cleared. Sid says can be my question changed into mistaken and says for what reason didn’t you illuminate me that Ranbir left Rhea at the mandap and went to wed you towards his own circle of family members’ will. He says the issue changed into that,

he left Rhea and wedded you. He says Rhea attempted self destruction along these lines, after which Vikram Chacha and your Dad not the slightest bit met, after something passed off with Rhea. He says your father started out abhorring you and your folks were given isolated and so forth He says you didn’t illuminate me this. Prachi says I didn’t comprehend which you changed into ignorant around it. She says after I met you and Rhea after your marriage, I didn’t have to intercede for your fortunately hitched ways of life. Sid says fulfilled marriage and says Rhea’s direct changed into abnormal as a rule. He says that day I known as you from the facility after which we went to the inn room, then, at that point, unexpectedly smoke arrived withinside the room, and the entryway changed into locked. He says then you certainly saw an individual.

Prachi says then we fell oblivious. Sid says we fell at the ground oblivious. He says while we won cognizance, we have been at the sleeping cushion and Rhea and Ranbir changed into toward the front of us. He says the smoke might have accompanied the guide of utilizing botch, but how are we ready to be found at the sleeping pad together. He says it changed into now at this point not accidental and says you endeavored to give a clarification for that it changed into a misconception, but it changed into an intrigue. He says something changed into shown, changed into organized. He says while you left the inn, I went to CCTV room, but couldn’t get any proof, and saw an individual keeping up with eye on us.

He says it changed into an arrangement to uncover our substantial connection as ill-conceived. He says Kohli own circle of family members wanted to discard us and that is the reason selected this way. He says I changed into like their child, yet at this point as of now not their child, and furthermore you changed into their bahu, but at this point as of now not their decision. He says I managed myself as I arrived to comprehend in light of the fact that it changed into a scheme. He says you didn’t meet Ranbir from that point forward, but I met Rhea to clean her the issue. I realized that she changed into get together her Bangalore amigo and met her withinside the inn hall.

A facebook is shown, Sid lets Rhea know that he just loves her and doesn’t have any issue with Prachi. Rhea asks him currently no longer to be chipku. Sid says while we went to the inn room. Rhea says then, at that point, suddenly smoke arrived and furthermore you fell oblivious. She tells that she didn’t have to wed you, and wanted to separate from him, but dropped the idea while she sees Kohlis, as she wanted to live with them. Sid expresses what around your sister? Rhea says she is my adversary and grabbed my the entire part from me, but can’t get my fate. She says Pallavi aunt liked me from the start and wanted me to end up being her bahu. She says we have been around to get hitched, but Prachi extorted Ranbir and he left me at the mandap to wed Prachi. She says didn’t you know why Pallavi aunt used to admonish Prachi and used to remunerate me.

Precap: Prachi gets heaving and requests restorative medication box. The inn group of laborers compliments Prachi and says you’re pregnant. Ranbir inquires as to whether she can have the option to wed him. Rhea says sure and embraces him..


Also Read:  Kumkum Bhagya 22nd October 2021 Written Upcoming Story: Abhi gets arrested

Telecast On Air: Monday To Saturday

Language: Hindi

Date: 30/10/2021

Channel Name: Zee TV

Online Streaming Platform: ZEE5

Read Complete Kumkum Bhagya 30th October 2021 Written Episode Update on bollywooddadi.com.

Kumkum Bhagya 30th October 2021 Written Episode Update Precap: