Chikoo Ki Mummy Durr Kei 27th September 2021 Written Episode: Chikoo’s Friends don’t let her practice for competition

Chikoo Ki Mummy Durr Kei 27th September 2021 Written Episode: Chikoo’s Friends don’t let her practice for competition

September 27, 2021 0 By admin

Chikoo Ki Mummy Durr Kei 27th September 2021 Written Update:

The episode starts with Rangoli gets passionate irate seeing her children with Nupur than she eliminates her memento which has a place with Chikoo and leaves subsequent to tossing it at their room entrance. Following day Chikoo wakesup and yells seeing Nupur with her. Everybody wakesup. Nupur asks what occurred. Chikoo says you did wizardry on us to make us rest and youre wanting to kill us with this sorcery. Nupur says she is misconception her. Chikoo returns saying she is terrible and going to fell yet Nupur saves her. Chikoo runs a long way from her colloquialism she will not let her change with her enchantment. Nupur thinks don’t have the foggiest idea why she ponders me than she might suspect don’t have a clue when I rested and Milind may be furious with me and she races to home.

Everybody sits tight for Nupur at home. Nupur attempts to advise something to Milind than Milind says tell something not sorry as I’m burnt out on your sorries. Nupur says don’t have the foggiest idea when I laid down with kids while making them rest. Savitri says you dozed calmly yet my child didn’t rest briefly and what you need to demonstrate by doing it. Kamini says Nupur don’t have kid that is the reason she is playing Mom game with others kids as she habe such a lot of adoration in her. Nupur questions Kamini how might she point her Mother love. Subodh requests that Nupur not talk Kamini in this tone. Nupur requests that he disclose it to her.

Milind stops Nupur telling Kamini is right. Savitri says my child cried in my lap as a result of you and for what reason wouldn’t you be able to think about our family joy. Milind says she will not think often about him. Nupur says she really focuses on him. Savitri says you’re harming him severely. Nupur says you’re not getting me and I’m not playing any mother’s down and I’m helping shelter kids figuring somebody will help our Payal. Milind says you’re contemplating your aggravation however youre not seeing my aggravation and I lost my child and spouse as well. Nupur says I’m getting it yet I simply need our Payal to have returned to live as a glad family.

Milind says I have thought to get back our joy and we will have a youngster again to get the joy. Savitri upholds his thought. Milind requests her reply. Nupur denies saying I will not ponder other child until I discover Payal as I can’t deceive my Payal. Milind says I wasn’t right with regards to you and everybody is right that you’re pondering yourself and you couldn’t care less with regards to our family bliss. Nupur says Payal isn’t doll and I will get back Payal back to our life. Milind says she is picking her obstinacy. Nupur says god knows my direction and you all will become acquainted with about it once I will bring Payal infront of you.

Children attempts to change Chikoo by telling the integrity of Nupur however she will not concur and reveals to them that she will reclaim them by winning contest. Children says we need to remain here so if it’s not too much trouble, lose the opposition. Chikoo rehearses for rivalry. Sulab turnsoff the music and he will not give her training access room than Chikoo says she will rehearse in corner. Tanki says disregard dance Nd we should play. Chikoo says she can’t fail to remember Mummy and she attempts to move couch. Sulab inquires as to whether they need to remain in halfway house. Children sit in couch. Chikoo tumbled down as she was unable to move the couch.

Nupur supplicates Bappa to invigorate her contact her objective of discovering her Payal. Rangoli stands up to god for breaking her family. Chikoo implores god to show her approach to get back to her Mummy with her companions. Rangoli advises to Bappa that she will not appeal to God for him any longer and I will get back my children utilizing Sam dhan dams bhed and I will consume the obstructions who came in my manner. Chikoo sees her Mummy chain and feels cheerful reasoning she came for them.

Episode closes.

Precap – Chikoo carries out Rangoli plan with Nupur.

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