Chikoo Ki Mummy Durr Kei 14th October 2021 Written Episode: Nupur gets shocked seeing Milind drunken state

Chikoo Ki Mummy Durr Kei 14th October 2021 Written Episode: Nupur gets shocked seeing Milind drunken state

October 13, 2021 0 By admin

Chikoo Ki Mummy Durr Kei 1st October 2021 Written Update:

The episode begins with Savitri declares Milind Joshi as their main successor. Nupur feels cheerful and salute him. Subodh and Kamini blows up. Milind says Subodh is senior yet Savitri says he will uphold you. Subodh concurs. Savitri says Milind will remarried post his separation than he will have kid and can do parcel of property as per his desire and Nupur don’t have any right on our property as she picked the Chikoo over her relationship with Milind. Chikoo and Nupur gets miserable. Kamini and Subodh compliments Milind.

Nupur cries in her room and reminscing Savitri words and she thinks when their disparities got expanded and in the event that he gets remarried than what will befall our Payal. Subodh faults Kamini for their circumstance. Kamini says your Mom is grabbing everything from us and I will grab everything from him and I will not allow him at any point to realize that Chikoo is his girl and she consumes the photograph of Chikoo with Rangoli and says its the finish of Payal part.

Chikoo in tears thinks Nupur aunt is losing her family for myself and noone at any point showed this much consideration on me and I will not let her different from her Milind uncle as far as I might be concerned will be miserable for her than she goes to Nupur room and inquires as to whether all is great. Nupur says she lost the significant thing in her life and possibly I’m not fortunate. Chikoo says don’t say in this manner as we can change our destiny with our diligent effort and I will assist you with looking through that significant thing so don’t lose the expectation and guarantee me. Nupur guarantee her and embraces her in tears.

Milind gets back to home and says Nupur than he understands he is distant from everyone else and he sees Nupur photograph in telephone and tells her that don’t realize whether I’m ready to satisfy my obligations subsequent to taking the Mom’s situation in our organizations or not as I’m feeling alone without you and I’m not understanding anything as their is noone to examine about my questions and I’m feeling alone. Kamini sends Subodh to Milind to execute their next arrangement as Milind is distant from everyone else. Subhodh meets Milind and demands him for commending the second and he takes Milind with him.

Chikoo thinks how to prevent Nupur aunt partition from Milind? First I need to think about Milind uncle through my Chikoogiri and she goes to Nupur room saw it’s vacant than she sees Nupur is resting at eating table. Chikoo asks Nupur, in case she is hanging tight for Milind. Nupur says perhaps he has a lot of work, that is the reason didn’t get back to home. Chikoo inquires as to whether this as indicated by Milind decision. Nupur concurs than she becomes more acquainted with from Nupur what Milind likes than she requests that Nupur have food. Nupur says she will have it with Milind as he will not eat outside food.

Milind returns home alcoholic and he going to tumbled down and Nupur attempts to help him however he stops her and tells her that you broke our connection in one moment and this liquor is turning into my accomplice. Nupur says she will drop him at his room however He yells on Nupur saying he don’t need her help and requests that she avoid him and he passes on to his room. Nupur cries. Chikoo wipes the long stretches of Nupur.

Episode closes.

Precap – Next day Chikoo requests that Milind not to drink. She says guarantee, you won’t ever drink, then, at that point, I won’t ever come before you.

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