15 Worthless Bollywood Movies That Will Surely Make You Cry, If You Ever Try To Watch Them!

15 Worthless Bollywood Movies That Will Surely Make You Cry, If You Ever Try To Watch Them!

November 24, 2021 0 By admin

With horrible acting and pathetic story-lines, these movies were a pain to watch. Hope you were spared the horror.

One by Two

This is the story of two youngsters: Amit Sharma and Samara Patel. Amit belongs to Mumbai, and is a software professional. His girlfriend has ditched him. On the other hand, there’s Samara, a fantastic dancer who stays with her alcoholic mother. Her only dream: to one day be known as the best dancer in the world. Amit and Samara tend to cross each other’s paths but only meet later in the movie.


A young man, Aditya Singh (Adhyayan), who fell deeply in love with a beautiful girl (Ariana). Soon he had a severe heart-attack, and when consulted with his doctor-friend (Shekhar Suman), he then suggested him to do a heart-transplant. As Aditya lands in the operation theatre, some bizarre thing happens in his life, and lots of unsaid and controversial betrayed story unfolds.

Darr @ The Mall

It’s about a haunted mall which is apparently the largest one in the Asia.

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