Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 22nd December 2021 Written Episode

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 22nd December 2021 Written Episode

December 22, 2021 0 By admin

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 22nd December 2021 Written Episode Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 30th October 2021 Written Update of Full Episode Then Visit, Also Read Daily ā€œBhabhi Ji Ghar Par Haiā€ October 30, 2021 Written Updates of New-Episode & Next-Day Show Update Twist. Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 30 October 2021 Written Update Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 30th October 2021 Written Upcoming Story

David havind drinks and carrot calls an individual says hiya dear I’ll be homegrown in fes days get equipped to appreciate, I’m the sleeping pad in London’s gallery what legs’ identity is’ by the by standing. Tiwari strolls in after you have shock. David ask who’re you. Tiwari says it’s me. David ask how are you so annoying. Tiwari says I’m so frantic now illuminate how can you go to fell in the event that your companion leaves you.

David says uf my life partner leave my then I’ll birthday festivity hard. Tiwari says anyway I love my mate anyway you nephew Vibhuti is write allowing me to convey her lower back don’t perceive what to do. David says pass in channel and clean up, you remember one time Anu transformed into caught through method of method for his dad so Vibhuti utilized a couple of hooligans and beat his sibling. Tiwari says I like this arrangement.

Angoori in Vibhu’s home says I didn’t perceive Tiwari might be so bloodless hearted he isn’t continually deficient with regards to me. Saxena strolls in camouflaged as Angoori. Angoori in shock in the wake of seeing Saxena. Saxena says I’m currently as of now not your youngster nowadays I’m a young ladies. Angoori says while did you end up young ladies. Saxena says a young ladies is concealing inward me and it jump out while a couple of male need this young ladies and I guess your significant other need a young ladies. Angoori says Tiwari need handiest me. Saxena says sure he need anyway you’re not with him so I’m helping him any other way he’ll pass somewhere else. Angoori says he’ll currently presently don’t do that way.

Saxena says every young ladies guess that her better half can not do something anyway Men have additional abilities to complete matters out of creative mind, presently he wants you and uf he understood that something is deficient with regards to then he might exit of tune. Angoori says he’ll now at this point not loosened his tune I perceive. Saxena says I remember he’ll now at this point not loosened tune anyway he goes to detached, don’t fear I’m here to help him be his worker.

Angoori says don’t pass also that. Saxena says I’ll hurt his feelings and keeping in mind that he’ll encounter miserable then he’ll come to you and says I’m going. Angoori says Deedee it’s lunch time for Tiwari so if it’s not too much trouble, give him. Saxena says don’t fear I’ll give him milk. Angoori says he don’t care for milk. Saxena says I’ll endeavor milk, he might worship it and leave.

Malkhan and Tillu having drinks. Tillu says to Malkhan it’s currently as of now not consistent with have refreshments in evening. Malkhan says you’re appropriate anyway outsiders moreover drink in evening. Tillu says don’t convey around outsider they might be particular from us while it’s day here they might be having evening time indistinguishable way for morning and we have legitimate hand power they were given left hand power, they’ve unmistakable sort of move test for turning on.

Tiwari strolls in and says you started out in morning. Malkhan says is goverment setting GST in this as well. Tiwari says in case people will make it normal then specialists might need to think about it. Tillu says don’t says or perhaps liquor will blast into rage. Tiwari ask how you could help liquor. Malkhan says for liquor we will do something. Tiwari says as much that you need to conquer an individual. Malkhan expresses what are you articulating. Tiwari says you need to defeat Vibhuti, I’ll concoct liquor for that. Malkhan expresses what are you articulating we can not beat a simple person for liquor. Tillu says do you presume us so sensibly evaluated that we can beat somebody for liquor. Tiwari says you might get one jug and 5000rs coins each. Tillu says we can take 5lakh and quarrel about cash. Tiwari says I’ll ask an individual else to do and leaves.

Anu and Vibhuti returning from shopping. Anu says while we can relax to keep we can buy in shape for you. Vibhu says wherein you might take this jackass. Anu says don’t say like that I mentioned you to choose out things and furthermore you a giving me mockery, assuming that is inconvenience then, at that point, don’t come resulting time. Vibhu says you consistently say like this anyway by the by convey me. Anu says in the event that I’ll now at this point not go along with my significant other, who will help me and the person in question gets despondent. Vibhu says it’s very well the entire part is fine. Anu says alright then I’ll visit tailor give my estimations and leaves.

Vibhu says she is totally unmistakable consistently toward the rear of me, don’t perceive now while she might be lower back. Hooligan walk around Vibhu says don’t perceive while she might be lower back anyway you may now presently don’t bring down back homegrown all evident. Vibhu ask who’re you compromise me. Hooligan start beating him. Anu surges in and beat him. Vibhu find his face. Anu says he’s your buddy Prem. Prem says I’m presently as of now not his buddy I handiest stay for cash and may kill him for cash.

Vibhu you’re so revolting. Anu reprimands Vibhu those are your mates who can kill you for a couple of money and furthermore you battle for those buddy, I’ll persistently expressed to you live farfar from hoodlum kind of people god knows about how they might affect you and ask Prem who request that you do this. Prem says it’s Tiwari he expressed he’ll give me money to conquer him and I typical this because of the reality I need cash.

Helan, David and Tiwari sitting having tea. Tiwari says to David this time I even have performed relationship for boring an empty in divider. David expresses what are you speakme. Tiwari says Vibhu use to problem me bounty presently I will do indistinguishable. Anu and Vibhu strolls in. Anu says to Tiwari you likely fouled up, you mentioned Prem to beat Vibhuti that is the manner in which you pay us being your neighbor. Vibhu says you’re a heathen on being a neighbor a dark spot. Tiwari says to Vibhuti and furthermore you affected my life partner towards me. Anu expresses what are you articulating why we can do that.

Tiwari says I’m speakme roughly Vibhu. Anu says Vibhuti didn’t do something it’s essentially and mixed signal and for which you request that Prem beat him. Tiwari says It transformed into David’s Idea. Everybody in shock. David says are you out of musings for what reason will I say you that. Tiwari says did you neglect you exhorted me one time Vibhuti request that hooligans conquer Anita’s sibling while she transformed into grounded through method of method for him. Anu says to Vibhuti did you request that hooligans defeat me illuminate me valid. Vibhu says appropriate now count is particular we should impart on that. Helan says concentrate to me she arrived to battle with Tiwari anyway went on various tune. Anu says no I’m on legitimate tune and assuming I get to perceive that it transformed into your 3 arrangement then, at that point, I’ll visit police headquarters and be in prison. David says to Anu what me and Helan assumed would i be able. Tiwari says no need to visit police I’ll assume the entirety of the fault.

David says for what reason are you doing this. Tiwari says because of the reality I can not remain with out Angoori any other way I’ll bite the dust. Anu says you no need to kick the bucket Angoori is moreover deficient with regards to you bounty like you. Tiwari says why is she now presently don’t get together me. Anu says me and Angoori had been taking your assessment and I’m sorry to specify anyway you almost passed, pass she is anticipating you. Tiwari says truly. Anu says ofcourse do you question that. Helan says pass quick. Vibhu says focus kindly be in control and act deferentially. Tiwari leaves crying.

David says to Helan I’m going to Bangkok need to I drop you somewhere. Vibhu inquire as to for what reason are you going Bangkok. David says I’ll play Kho-Kho. Anu says you could play with Mummyji why you need to head Bangkok. Helan says am I a little kid. Vibhu says you’re my mother presently come to homegrown. Anu says kindly come. Helan says no I’ll now presently not come. David says we aren’t coming I’m were given to Bangkok and the person in question goes to Dubai. Vibhu and Anu roughly to withdraw. David says pause and ask Helan how about we go along with them or they might encounter troubled. Saxena strolls in says all of you are set now who will set me. David plays with him.

Angoori sitting miserable. Tiwari strolls in and settle on contact with her decision says I’m heartbroken. Angoori get’s up. Tiwari strolls to her and embrace. Tiwari says kindly pardon me the entire parcel show because of me. Angoori says alright in the event that you guess then its your issue and I’ll presently at this point don’t do something to make you experience despondent. Tiwari says alright now get equipped to withdraw. Angoori says I’ll do pressing and gets name from Ammaji. She decisions up and welcome her. Ammaji says that point I transformed into now as of now not in sign area so transformed into not ready to listen you by and by illuminate what show. Angoori says I had a battle with Tiwari I endeavored you telling many time anyway no need to fear me and Tiwari did patchup now and says I’m safeguarding up telecellsmartphone now. Ammaji hungs up.

The episode closes.

Also Read:Ā Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 230th October 2021 Written Episode: Kalawati Gives Advice To Angoori And Anita

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 21st October 2021 Written Episode: Vibhuti And Tiwariā€™s Scuffle

By TellyExpert:Ā ā€œBhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 2 October 2021 Written Episode Updatesā€

Tv Show Name: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (Irdia Stardard Time)

Telecast Days: Morday To Friday

Air Date: 30, October, 2021

Country: Irdia

Language: Hindi

Todayā€™s Content: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai October 30th, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with..In Progressā€¦

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