Who Is Junaid Khan’s Character Karsandas Mulji In Maharaj? Know About The Journalist Of 1862 Maharaj Libel Case

Who Is Junaid Khan’s Character Karsandas Mulji In Maharaj? Know About The Journalist Of 1862 Maharaj Libel Case

July 1, 2024 0 By admin

A Brave Journalist Fights for Justice: The True Story Behind Maharaj

A Star’s Son Takes on a Historical Role

Aamir Khan’s son, Junaid Khan, just made his big Bollywood debut in a Netflix movie called “Maharaj.” The film tells the true story of a courageous journalist named Karsandas Mulji. Back in the 1860s, Karsandas exposed a powerful religious leader named Jadunathji Maharaj for terrible crimes.

Speaking Out Against a Powerful Figure

Karsandas was a brave man who used his newspaper, “The Satya Prakash,” to fight for what was right. He wrote an article accusing Jadunathji of taking advantage of women who came to him for religious guidance. This leader was supposed to be a spiritual guide, but instead, he was abusing his position.

Who Were These People?

  • Karsandas Mulji: A journalist and social reformer who believed in standing up for women’s rights and fighting against injustice.
  • Jadunathji Maharaj: A well-respected religious leader who betrayed his followers’ trust.

A Life Dedicated to Justice

Karsandas wasn’t afraid to speak out, even though it meant going against someone very powerful. He had always been passionate about helping others. Earlier in his life, he even wrote an essay about allowing widows to remarry, which caused problems with his family.

The Maharaj Libel Case

In 1862, things got even more serious. Karsandas’ article made Jadunathji so angry that he sued the journalist for a massive amount of money. This became a huge court case known as the “Maharaj Libel Case.” People from all over came to watch the trial.

Fighting for the Truth

The case went on for months. Witnesses were called in, and both sides presented their arguments. In the end, the judge ruled in favor of Karsandas! The judge agreed that exposing wrongdoing wasn’t wrong, even if it involved criticizing a religious leader.

A Victory for Justice

This case was a big win for journalists and anyone who fights for what’s right. It showed that even powerful figures can be held accountable for their actions. While Karsandas didn’t get much money from the case, he proved that standing up for the truth was worth it.