Mirzapur Season 3 Review: Tripathis, Shuklas & Pandits Lose Their Swagger But Are Rescued by the Queens & a Heroic Climax

Mirzapur Season 3 Review: Tripathis, Shuklas & Pandits Lose Their Swagger But Are Rescued by the Queens & a Heroic Climax

July 5, 2024 0 By admin

Mirzapur Season 3 Review:

In Short:

Mirzapur Season 3 is a complex web of power struggles and revenge in the criminal underworld. While it boasts strong performances and engaging dialogue, the plot becomes convoluted at times. The ending is satisfying, and the post-credit scene leaves viewers wanting more.

The Story:

The season picks up where the last one left off, with the throne of Mirzapur empty. Various gangs vie for power, leading to intricate schemes and betrayals. The focus shifts from violence to strategic planning, although there are still plenty of action scenes. The writing team juggles numerous storylines, which can be overwhelming at times.

The Characters:

The performances are impressive, with each actor bringing depth to their roles. Pankaj Tripathi takes a step back this season, allowing other characters like Vijay Verma’s double role and Anjumm Sharma’s chameleon-like Sharad Shukla to shine. Ali Fazal’s Guddu Pandit continues to be a compelling anti-hero, balancing ruthlessness with vulnerability. Shweta Tripathi surprises viewers as Golu Gupta, Guddu’s unexpected guide. However, Priyanshu Painyuli’s Robin steals the show as a calm presence in the chaotic world of Mirzapur.

The Direction:

Gurmeet Singh’s direction struggles at times to keep the complex plot from becoming tangled. While the initial focus on Guddu’s desire for the throne is clear, the story becomes less focused as it progresses. Some subplots are more engaging than others, and there are moments where the pacing drags.

The Good:

  • Strong performances from the entire cast
  • Engaging dialogue with memorable lines
  • Satisfying climax that delivers poetic justice
  • Intriguing post-credit scene that sets up the next season
  • Strong performances from the side characters
  • Effective use of humor to break up the tension

The Not-So-Good:

  • Convoluted plot with too many storylines
  • Uneven pacing, with some slow moments
  • The focus on non-violence doesn’t always work as well as the action scenes
  • Some subplots are underdeveloped or unnecessary
  • The show’s moral compass can be inconsistent


Mirzapur Season 3 is an entertaining but flawed addition to the series. It delivers on the action, drama, and suspense that fans expect, but the convoluted plot and uneven pacing prevent it from reaching its full potential. However, the strong performances, witty dialogue, and shocking twists make it a worthwhile watch for fans of the series.

The Last Word:

If you’re a fan of Mirzapur, you’ll likely enjoy this season despite its flaws. It’s a wild ride with plenty of twists and turns, and the ending will leave you eagerly anticipating the next installment. However, if you’re new to the series, it might be best to start from the beginning to fully appreciate the complex characters and their relationships.