Chikoo Ki Mummy Durr Kei 29th September 2021 Written Episode: Nupur Says No to sign the divorce papers

Chikoo Ki Mummy Durr Kei 29th September 2021 Written Episode: Nupur Says No to sign the divorce papers

September 28, 2021 0 By admin

Chikoo Ki Mummy Durr Kei 29th September 2021 Written Update:

Update in progress….

The episode starts with Rangoli inquires as to whether she is fine and she inquires as to whether their Tanki, Signal and neighborhood are fine. Chikoo cries seeing her than she sees Rangoli is harmed and asks who did to her. Rangoli says Nupur did to me and do you all ability much I missed you folks however you came here leaving me. Chikoo says I returned here to get our family however I got crushed in Dance contest with Nupur so I need to remain here with different children. Rangoli says how might you get crushed, how about we battle for your right and don’t acknowledge the loss and get back our family from this halfway house. Chikoo concurs. Rangoli says tomorrow I will come here and let you know plan so execute it to join our family aa it got breaked as a result of you and it’s an ideal opportunity to address your error. Chikoo concurs than Rangoli leaves from that spot.

Nupur gets stunned seeing the legal documents in room. Chikoo figures she will win as her Mummy is with her and Snake Aunty will be separated from everyone else. Nupur questions Milind about the legal documents. Milind says these are our legal documents so sign them as I would prefer not to remain with you and need to get liberated from our relationship as their isn’t anything left in our relationship. Relatives listens their discussion. Milind says you denied my proposition to have one more child to save our security so sign these papers. Nupur takes the papers and lets him know that she have relationship with entire house and for what reason didn’t their names referenced? This separation isn’t right as I think about this family as mine and let me know how our relationship gets broken on the off chance that I sign in these papers as it’s connected with hearts and our home will have returned to shape once we get our Payal and I won’t ever leave from my family. Milind looks on.

Reema requests that Chikoo take the new garments and books as you will remain here and will not you need to look great as your companion. Chikoo tosses the garments and says she would prefer not to become like her companions who got changed failing to remember their Mummy. Children says take the things gave by Reema aunt else we will break our fellowship with you. Chikoo leaves out stepping on garments. Chikoo sits in the outside in tears and thinks she lost everything by getting crushed in contest.

Mummy goes to her and questions why she sits in tears when she need to accomplish such a great deal to join their family. Chikoo guarantees her she will effectively join her family. Rangoli says tomorrow at 8, you need to leave from here with your companions. Chikoo says they will not make us leave. Rangoli says you know how to comeout from our Kohli so you need to carry out same here. Chikoo says she don’t have a clue about this spot. Rangoli expands her certainty saying she can do it than Chikoo consents to join her family by bringing kids out from halfway house. Rangoli cautions Chikoo saying don’t swindle me this time else I will leave you in Dustbin where I got from you. Chikoo tells her she will not do any mix-up.

Reema requests that Kids draw. Nupur comes to halfway house. Children feel glad seeing her. Reema requests that she check test papers. Nupur recalls about Divorce papers and she tells her that she will check them later. Nupur asks kids where is Chikoo. Chikoo looks for a way. Children says they break their rishta with Chikoo. Nupur says you all can’t say in this manner recalling comparable expressions of Milind. Reema inquires as to whether she is alright. Nupur causes children to comprehend that breaking relationship isn’t acceptable when they can set it and leaves from that room. Reema follows her. Chikoo discovers a way.

Episode closes.

Precap – Chiku moves as a jokester and persuades the children by letting them know that they will astound Nupur on her marriage day. Chikoo tells to Nupur that she will move to say sorry to her. Nupur thinks how Chikoo changed abruptly.

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