Richa Chadha Defends Deepika Padukone Against Criticism For Wearing Heels During Pregnancy: ‘No Uterus, No Gyaan’

Richa Chadha Defends Deepika Padukone Against Criticism For Wearing Heels During Pregnancy: ‘No Uterus, No Gyaan’

June 26, 2024 0 By admin

Deepika’s Heels and Richa’s Support: A Simpler Take

Deepika’s Fashion Choice Stirs Up Debate

Deepika Padukone showed off her style at a recent movie event for her upcoming film. She wore a figure-hugging black dress that clung to her body and high heels. However, some people online weren’t happy about her shoe choice. They thought it was risky for her to wear heels since they believe she’s pregnant, which they see as a sensitive time.

Richa Stands Up for Deepika’s Right to Choose

Another actress, Richa Chadha, is also expecting a baby. She saw someone online defending Deepika’s choice and decided to show her support. Richa basically said that people who haven’t been pregnant themselves shouldn’t offer unwanted advice. In other words, it’s not their place to judge what Deepika wears. Richa wants women to be free to make their own decisions about their bodies and clothes without getting criticized.

Richa Celebrates Sonakshi’s Interfaith Wedding

Just recently, Richa also spoke out in favor of Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal. Some people online were mean to them because they got married even though they follow different religions. Richa shared a message on social media saying she loved how Sonakshi and Zaheer didn’t care about what others thought and did their own thing. She wished them happiness and said they make a wonderful couple.

Sonakshi Speaks Up About Her Wedding Day

Sonakshi and Zaheer got married in a private ceremony on June 24th. They had faced criticism for marrying someone from a different religion. Sonakshi finally spoke out about it, saying their wedding day was magical and filled with love. She feels incredibly lucky to have Zaheer in her life and to have so much love surrounding them.