From Big B To Bhujji, 9 Wow Factors Of Kalki 2898 AD That Make It A Must-Watch

From Big B To Bhujji, 9 Wow Factors Of Kalki 2898 AD That Make It A Must-Watch

July 2, 2024 0 By admin

“Kalki 2898 AD” hit theaters on July 27th. Here’s a simplified rundown of the movie’s key elements:

  • Amitabh Bachchan as Ashwatthama: Amitabh Bachchan nails his role as Ashwatthama, a cursed character from ancient Indian mythology who is forced to wander the Earth. He’s incredibly powerful due to his ancient origins.
  • Prabhas’ Hidden Identity: Prabhas plays Bhairva, initially leading us to believe he’s a deity, but it turns out he’s the reincarnation of a legendary warrior named Karna.
  • Deepika Padukone as Sum80/Sumati: Deepika’s character, Sumati, is special because she’s destined to give birth to Kalki, a god-like figure. This connection to the divine makes her unique and protected.
  • The Villain Yaskin: Kamal Haasan plays the menacing villain Yaskin, who has extraordinary powers and gets stronger by using a strange serum derived from pregnant women.
  • The Complex: This is a man-made city that everyone wants to live in. It has everything you could need: sunshine, water, plants, food, and more. The villain, Yaskin, has taken these resources from the real world to create this paradise.
  • The Lab: Inside the Complex is a creepy lab where scientists do strange experiments, making women pregnant in unnatural ways. Their technology is way beyond what we have today.
  • Shambhala: This is a hidden city far away from the troubles of the world. It’s safe and has everything its people need. Think of it like a super-secure bubble.
  • Bhujji the Car: Prabhas owns a super advanced car named Bhujji. It can talk, scan people to get all their information, fly, and even turn into a giant robot.
  • Illusions Everywhere: The movie uses a lot of illusions. Prabhas uses them in fights, and the hidden city of Shambhala uses them to disguise itself as a mountain.